Supporting the work of Dr. John Mwaklemia outside of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. 


 Supporting the work of Pastor Nathaniel Kapela in the Morogoro, Tanzania region.

      Between these two visionaries, primitive tribes people, Muslims, and people from large cities in central Tanzania are reached with the gospel message and the love of Jesus!

     Doctor and Pastor John Mwaklemia and his staff located just east of the coastal city of Dar-es-Salaam have planted 11 new churches and built a Bible school after purchasing a 100 acre tract of land.  This staff of hard working laborers for Christ hosted 12 crusades in 2009 with hundreds of recorded salvations.

     Pastor Nathaniel Kapela, working out of the Morogoro area publishes a weekly newspaper column, teaches a spiritual warfare school, and has lead 6 pastorial training confrences in 2009!  He is currently finishing up the launching of Morogoro's first full-time evangelical contemporary Christian radio station.  This radio station will reach an estimated 300,000 Muslims.




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