Here in the southern province of India, we help to support the work of Pastor Richard Joseph and his wife Julie.  These two wonderful people work through the ministries of The Independant Church in India.  They evangelize to this predominately Hindu nation of approximately 1.2 billion people.

     India is about 2.2 times as large as Alaska.  India has 3.2 million square kilometers of land while Alaska has only 1.4 million.  Alaska has about 700,000 people; in fact the United States has only about 310,000,000 (million) people.  India on the other hand is one third the size of the entire USA (Alaska included) and has about 1.2 BILLION people!  Less then 1% of which are Christian.

What a wide open oppertunity to spread the gospel of truth!

     Here is the downside; Christianity is not generally welcomed here.  In fact Pastor Richard has had his teeth knocked out by Hindu preists to discourage him from sharing about the hope that Jesus has to offer.

     Children who become followers of Jesus usally run the risk of being beaten by their  parents for their faith.  Women are beaten and even thrown out of their homes! Men risk losing their jobs and can even be cut off from their family and friends!


 Of One Accord Global Missions Working in India


      People just like you are joining together to help make this ministry possible, affecting the lives of thousands of people each year!

Won't you consider being apart of this?

     In 2009 we here at OOA Global Missions voted to begin supporting the valuable work of Pastor Richard Joseph and his wife Julie.  Their work consists of vacation bible schools for over 1,000 children, ministry in the leper colonies, ministry to widows and orphans, traveling by bicycle, motorbike, and foot to spread the gospel of peace to Hindus all over southern India.  They are committed to this labor with or without our support.  At great cost to themselves, they labor for the kingdom of God.  It is because of this commitment that our leadership and board of advisors have elected to support this wonderful work.  Please help us help them.  Our staff is unpaid and therefore all of your financial support goes to the work of OOA Global Missions. 

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