OOA Global Missions  is helping to change the world through the Love of Jesus. You can be apart of this too!

      OOA Global Missions supports the work of two ministries in Mexico: In Oaxaca, Mexico, we assist Pastor Manuel Perez; In Mexico City, Mexico, we support the work of the Blanca Castaneda Center for the Provision of the Family, also known as the "Hill-side Project".

     Between these two ministries, we support the efforts of 15 churches and various feeding programs for orphans and families.  Last year in 2009, we saw over 10,000 meals served!

     There are about 105 million people in Mexico.  With unemplyment unoficially around 40% life is very hard in Mexico. Amnesty International has highlighted tortures and disappearances within Mexico in recent years.  Anyone who watches current affiars has seen Mexico more then once high-lighted for the growing violence between government officials and drug czars.

     Minimum wage in Mexico is about $4 US dollars a day! It is one of the 4 worst countries in Latin America for income distribution.  In addition to poor wages and high unemployment, there is no walfare system and no unemployment benifites to fall back on.

     It is because of these sad statistics that we here at OOA Global Missions are so committed to helping our Central American niebors by supporting the valuable ministries of Pastor Manuel and our brethern at the Hill-side Project.

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