OOA Global Missions assists Pastor Fred Araneta with an evangelisim and church planting ministry called Agape International Discipleship & Evangelistic Association.  This ministry has started and continues to support 28 churches on 4 different Islands.

picture of Fred 

     Pastor Fred is well known for his evangelistic outreach to a primative tribes people he refers to as rock people.  He also conducts a daily radio broadcast and holds evangelical crusades on all four islands. 



     An island country with over 7,000 seprate islands.  Their total population is around 92 million, the 12th most populated country in the world.  Just under 40% of the Philippino population is considered impovershied.  About 29 million people are unable to by the needed food to sustain themselves and their family.  Christianity is legal here, therefor persecution is not the biggest factor.  It is the massive divide between the leadership and the people.  In this country there is a large dissconnect between the political "aristocrate" class and the everyday person.  Pastor Freds efforts bring hope to an otherwise hopeless people. 


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