Haiti was the first nation supported by OOA Global Missions.  We began by supporting 1 village feeding program under the leadership of Pastor Luc St. Felix.  Today we assist Pastor Luc in supporting 4 feeding programs, 13 village schools, 43 village churches, and a pastors training center!

     In addition we have helped to dig over five wells, providing fresh drinking water to the villages. 


     In the village feeding programs, more then 600 children are fed 2 meals a week.  At a cost of about .50 cents per meal, that's about $600 U.S. dollars per week for food.  Add to that the cost of fuel (about $5 a gallon there) it gets to be a big grocery bill a week.

     Some of these villages require a 4 to 5 hour drive.  Some a 2 hour drive and another 2 hour walk! 

     And the roads!  They are more like wide goat paths going up the mountians.



     In the beginning of 2010, Haiti's capital, ,Port-Au-Prince, was struck with a massive earthquake, followed by many aftershocks. 10's of thousands died; 100's of thosands were displaced to tent/tarp shelters.

      OOA Global Missions was quick to respond.  Although our mission is not disaster relief and we have no such financial reserve for disasters; our family, headed by Pastor Luc was affected.  With the help of so many OOA Global Missions partners we were able to assist in putting 500 families into emergancy shelters.


     Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hempisphere. Accoroding to a 2008 report of countries around the world, with adjustments for cost of living, the average income in Haiti is $1,300 US dollars, while for an American it was $47,000 per person!  Can you imagine living in America and making only $1,300 a year to support your family! 

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